
Callerton Academy FAQs

Why build Callerton Academy?
What’s happened so far?
Where will Callerton Academy be located?
When will Callerton Academy open?
How do I express an interest for my child to join Callerton Academy?
How do I apply officially for my child to join Callerton Academy?
What if my child does not get a place at Callerton Academy?
Who will be the Principal of Callerton Academy?

Why build Callerton Academy?

As a result of the changing demographic profile of Newcastle upon Tyne and housing growth there is growing pressure for school places. Around 10,000 new houses are planned by 2030 in strategic housing sites largely in the North, North-West and Outer West of Newcastle with around half of these in developments within potential travel distance of the proposed site for Callerton Academy. The Local Authority has identified the need for two new secondary schools to meet the demand for places across the city, one 11-16 school to serve the ‘outer west/north-west’ area of the city (Callerton Academy) and one for 9-16 year olds  to the North of the city (to be situated on Newcastle Great Park).

What’s happened so far?

  •  We advertised and informed the community via Let’s Talk Newcastle and Gosforth Federated Academies’ website  
  • A joint consultation event was held with the Local Authority at Simonside Primary school on 28th November 17 which was promoted via schools, the City Council and a flyer distributed to all households in the ward
  • Hugh Robinson, CEO of Gosforth Group, visited schools in the area around the proposed site to discuss the new school proposals with local head teachers.
  • On the 14th June 2019 the Secretary of State for Education confirmed that our proposal to build Callerton Academy should proceed to the next stage, the pre-opening stage.
  • A number of meetings have been held between the Department for Education and ourselves.
  • The Principal Designate for Callerton Academy has been determined. See later (Who will be the Principal of GPA?).
  • A further consultation was held at Simonside Primary School on 17 July 2019 to share detailed plans for the new Simonside Primary School building and outline plans for Callerton academy, including the proposed use of the existing open space to create playing fields for the new schools.
  • A hybrid planning application encompassing detailed planning of the new primary school building and outline planning for the secondary school was submitted in October 2019 and was approved by Planning Committee on 20 December 2019.
  • There are ongoing meetings and contact between the Department for Education, the Education Skills and Funding Agency, the Local Authority and ourselves
  • The Department for Education have appointed a technical advisor team who are assessing the proposed site

Where will Callerton Academy be located?

The current site of Simonside Primary School and adjacent land is the proposed site for both the new secondary school and a new building for Simonside Primary School

When will Callerton Academy open?

We are working with DfE and the local authority on progressing with the new school and will keep you updated on the likely opening date.

How do I express an interest for my child to join Callerton Academy?

We are currently registering interest for places. In order to do this please access our website, click on the New Schools tab at the top of the page and then click on Callerton Academy where you will find the instructions on how to do this.

How do I apply officially for my child to join Callerton Academy?

Under the Free Schools programme admission arrangements have to be submitted to the DFE for approval 12-18 months before the opening date. Once this has happened we will inform all interested parties as to the criteria for admission and the process for application for admission. These details will be published on our website and on the website of Newcastle City Council.

Under the statutory School Admissions Code, the expected closing date for applications for the September of the year the school opens will be 31 October of the previous year, with offers being made on 1 March following. Initially, offers will be conditional until the final funding agreement for the new school is signed by the Secretary of State for Education. Typically this happens in the second half of the spring term for a school opening in September.

What if my child does not get a place at Callerton Academy?

The academy will operate a waiting list for each year group. Where in any year the academy receives more applications for places than there are places available, a waiting list will operate until the 31 December of the school year. This will be maintained by the Academy Trust and it will be open to any parent to ask for his or her child’s name to be placed on the waiting list, following an unsuccessful application. Beyond 31st December, parents seeking admission will have the opportunity to reapply for a place via an academy application form.

Positions on the waiting list will be determined solely in accordance with the oversubscription criteria, as set out in the school’s Admissions Policy.

All applicants who have been refused a place have a right of appeal to an independent appeal panel constituted and operated in accordance with the School Admission Appeals Code.

Who will be the Principal of Callerton Academy?

Excellent leadership in any school is of paramount importance, and clearly we want the best person for the job. Mr. Robinson (CEO of Gosforth Group) is Principal Designate of Callerton Academy.